Saturday, January 30, 2010

The right tool for the job

After doing a bunch of hand cutting for a structure I'm kitbashing I thought "there must be a better way".....and there is - a mini table saw. My company was nice enough to give me a bonus and I didn't want some of that money to go to waste, so Midge got some jewelry and I got a Proxxon mini table saw!

Check out the description & specs here:

I've already made some cuts with it in plastic using a 24 tooth carbide blade and it rocks! The only disadvantage is the width of the cut, which has to be taken into consideration. What used to take what seems forever with a hand saw now takes less than 10 seconds!


  1. An excellent tool! Glad you were able to snag one. The mini table saw I have doesn't cut well. That kerf can be a pain. Enjoy!

  2. Thanks, Scott.

    I'm looking forward to using it and did use it today to cut a few plastic walls. The cut surface does require a little sanding, but even considering that it is FAST!

