Paul did a great job with the write up on the
NCIOG blog about the work session at his home. Here's some video & pix of the great evening.
Since I haven't seen trains running on the layout, Paul was nice enough to run a loco around to show how well it tracks on his beautiful graceful curves &
trackwork. I wonder if we should always start (or end) our Friday night sessions with some trains running (when possible).
Keith is hard at work making the wall angle brackets for the shelf on the upper portion of the layout by using a completed unit as a guide.
Mark worked closely with Keith and the two worked very well together. Ken is taking care of the glue
situation as Bob looks on.
What's Bob so happy about??? GLUE!!! He about wet himself when he saw a HUGE bottle of
Friday nights are about fun as much as work. Mark enjoys Glue Bob's reaction to that sticky stuff.
Paul explains things to the crew for attaching the angle
brackets to the wall. What you can't see is that Keith had just finishing threatening to slap me for a "supposed" smart remark. Can you believe that I would ever make a smart remark?
Here the guys are attaching the bracket to the top of the
benchwork. The 22 caliber nail set was used to attach the other end to the concrete - POW!
It's always nice to have an extra set of hands. Bob was nice to take this picture so that nobody thinks I was just standing around all night eating yummy ham sandwiches.
While everybody else disappeared SOMEBODY has to do the work, so that's me. (Actually a posed picture)
Here's is a closeup of one of the angle braces installed. Nice and sturdy.
Here I am again WORKING. (Another posed picture shot with the self-timer).
Ken & Steve got the boring job....get it? Lots of holes to be drilled and Steve actually drilled the edge off of the paddle bit.
That's Bob to the rescue sharping the blade bit with the handy-dandy
Now where does this wire go??? Ken quickly figured it out and strung a bunch-o-wire.
Paul in deep thought....or day dreaming about his future empire?
Bob's working with the yellow 12/3 that will be used to hook up the 3-way
switches for the layout lighting.
Who left this wire here? (ANOTHER posed picture).
Wire everywhere. The loco cable and the 12/3 got installed on the layout.
Bob insisted on taking this picture because it took he and Steve 20 minutes to PUSH the loco cable through the tunnel.
"Now Paul, the thingies with the green on the end are clamps...can you say clamp?"
Great time, missed you Scott!