My latest kitbash project for the Hoovertown expansion is The Henderson Building named after my sister and family. It is a combination of Bachmann's Ambassador Hotel and Walther's Merchant's Row II. Actually, it is mainly the Ambassador Hotel as the only parts I'm using from the Walther's kit is the ground floor retail front and the very top cap.
Here's the Walther's kit after I cut the sections out that I will use.

This is just one wall that I cut up from the hotel kit and I'll use the upper right section.

Here are the four assembled walls - from left to right: Right side / Left Side / Front/ and back. The walls looked like they are curved, but that is a distortion from my camera.

Here's the front after painting, motar lines added, and a black wash. I've got a ton more work to do, but when it's completed I'll have an eight story building that is 12-1/2 inches tall. Stay tuned for more progress reports.