Monday, July 12, 2010

Just a few pictures

Haven't posted for awhile, so I'll just put a few pictures. Some may be a repeat, but oh well!

Rick's Ribs - the best BBQ in Hoovertown!

Potter's Pond behind the roundhouse in the Matthews Freight Yard

Who's that behind those Foster Grants passing Peggy's Health Club

It's a busy time at Midge's Corner Cafe, although there's no food on the tables!

Hoovertown park is a great place to play a game of checkers or just relax & chat.

What did that guy drop? Downtown Hoovertown is a busy place.

A man's home is his castle, but it that true when it's a shack? A hobo is passing time at his castle.

Matthew Frieght yard is a little packed today, but that won't be the case for long.

O.K., it's just a joke! We don't cook any of our cats at Ashley's Pets. How much is that kitty in the window?

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