Sunday, February 14, 2010


In an earlier post I started the bash of the B Moore Showroom as I got a second kit for $6 and wanted taller buildings for the area behind the current downtown Hoovertown. Below is a picture of the structure as it comes from DPM. You can click on the pictures for a larger view.

Here's the front after modification. I've added two stories, removed the overhead door to replace it with walk thru door, and narrowed the entire face (notice the kit before modification is 5 windows wide and it is now 4 windows wide.)

I hated those funky little small side windows on each side, so I cut up the sides to add the two stories and remove those windows.

Here's the side with the windows removed and about 1/3 of the width also removed. There won't be any side windows now on the ground floor.

Here you can see all four sides after the modifications. Notice that the back was narrowed by removing the entire far right side of windows from top to bottom.

I've added the putty to fill any gaps and painted the sections inside (black and then gray on top of the black) and painted the outside brick red (red oxide primer). Next will be adding mortar and painting the window detail. Stay tuned for future posts with progress.